Faculty of Law


Academic Administration

Faculty of Law

Universitas Islam Riau

A. Academic Administration System

The academic activities at the Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Riau, are conducted using the Semester Credit System (SCS). This system organizes education by assigning study loads to students, workload for instructors, and the requirements for educational programs, all measured in Semester Credit Units.

In one academic year, the academic administration system is divided into two semesters: Odd Semester and Even Semester. Each semester, the Faculty offers courses that students can schedule using the Study Plan Card (KRS). The courses offered in each semester are clearly outlined in the students' KRS. The number of credit units (SKS) taken depends on the academic performance of the student, measured by Grade Point Average (GPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).

In the instantiation of the Semester Credit System, each enrolled student is endowed with the autonomy to complete their Study Plan Card, giving due consideration to the following stipulations :

  1. Each academic course is allocated a credit weighting ranging from a minimum of 2 Semester Credit Units (SKS) to a maximum of 3 SKS.
  2. The quantity of courses to be undertaken per semester is predetermined by the Faculty, yet the ultimate selection lies within the purview of the individual students, provided it adheres to the Faculty's regulations.
  3. The aggregate SKS acquired by students within a semester is notably contingent upon the Grade Point Average (GPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of the respective student.
  4. The total SKS embarked upon or scheduled on the Study Plan Card must not surpass the prescribed upper limit set forth by the university.
  5. The selection of courses and the associated SKS weighting undertaken by students is further informed by consultations between the student and their Academic Advisor.

B. Lectures

As previously explained, administratively, lectures will be conducted as follows :
a. For 2 Semester Credit Units (SKS), the calculation per SKS is 50 minutes x 2 = 100 minutes. Therefore, the lecture duration for one course in one week for 2 SKS is 100 minutes.
b. For 3 SKS in the Faculty of Law at the Islamic University of Riau, it is conducted twice a week. If following the above provisions, the lecture would last 3 x 50 minutes = 150 minutes. However, in reality, it also extends to 2 x 100 minutes in two meetings per week..

In addition, there will be the implementation of practical legal skills activities, such as simulated court practice, and so forth, in accordance with the program to be developed by the Section Head through the faculty regarding "legal skills programs."

C. Academic Guidance

The appointment of Academic Advisors in the Faculty of Law at UIR is determined by the Dean. The implementation of academic guidance activities is carried out by all permanent faculty members in the Faculty of Law, and autonomous guidance is provided by each Academic Advisor. Each permanent faculty member in the Faculty of Law provides academic guidance to students with an average of 4 meetings per semester.

The purpose of conducting academic guidance for students is :

  • To provide students with better direction in handling courses.
  • To offer appropriate solutions to various personal issues.
  • To guide students in choosing a specialization field.
  • To direct students in determining their research field/topic.
  • To ensure students complete their studies on time.
  • To enable students to enhance their academic potential and achieve a high GPA.
  • To provide accurate solutions to students regarding various academic challenges they face.

  • The implementation of guidance is carried out through face-to-face meetings in the faculty's office or via technological tools (SMS, Email, WhatsApp group, and Google Classroom).

    Each academic guidance session involves consultation with the Academic Advisor regarding :

    1. Selection of courses for the upcoming semester.
    2. Challenges in coursework.
    3. Balancing work and study time.
    4. Academic progress reflected in the Transcript of Records (TOR).
    5. Determining the department/section to be chosen.
    6. Planning for the final project topic.
    7. Consistency in credit unit intake.
    8. Internship execution.

    The execution of academic guidance that provides substantial benefits to students includes :

    1. Students receive accurate information about courses.
    2. Students can prepare themselves and devise strategies for timely completion of their studies.
    3. Students can choose courses more accurately.
    4. Increased motivation for student learning.
    5. Students gain alternative solutions to the challenges they face.

    C. Course Presentation Matrix Each Semester

    A total of 144 credit units of coursework in the Faculty of Law at UIR are distributed over 8 semesters.

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