Faculty of Law


Community Services

Faculty of Law

Universitas Islam Riau


Field of Community Service, This service is in principle directed at increasing and fostering the active role of the academic community, especially lecturers and students, in relation to the community and other institutions to help improve the welfare of the community, legal dissemination, legal aid, as well as to demonstrate the existence of the law faculty and UIR generally in the community in the form of counseling, workshops, field work practices, student Islamic Discussion Forums and so on. For this reason, this activity will be carried out:

  1. Increasing student service camp activities in rural areas.
  2. Conducting outreach to the community related to legal aspects in all fields.
  3. Optimizing the function of legal aid institutions, in particular by providing legal aid and legal services to the community outside the judicial process.
  4. Increase cooperation with government and private institutions, as well as other universities.
  5. Increase legal training activities for the community through collaboration with villages, sub-districts, the government, and other wider communities.

The Community Service Program includes :
A. Plan and carry out sustainable community service activities to assist the community in finding solutions to the various problems they face.
B. Seek opportunities for cooperation with third parties in carrying out community service programs.

Universitas Islam Riau

"to be world class islamic university base on iman and takwa"