Faculty of Law


Graduate Profile

Fakultas of Law

Universitas Islam Riau

Graduate Profile

The mechanism to obtain the graduate profile of the Law Program at the Faculty of Law, UIR, is guided by the vision and mission of the Law Science program, which aims to be a Center of Excellence for the Development of Legal Knowledge and Skills that are Globally Competitive Based on Faith and Piety.

Aligned with the Academic Mission of the Law Program, it includes shaping graduates with Islamic personalities, developing a curriculum responsive to legal and societal developments that support the enhancement of graduates' legal competence and skills. It also involves fostering innovative teaching and learning activities in line with technological advancements, developing adaptive and integrative legal skills practices to enhance graduates' legal proficiency, conducting legal research, and community service that is responsive to legal and societal developments, and integrating Islamic preaching into the implementation of all university duties.


Universitas Islam Riau

"to be world class islamic university base on iman and takwa"