Structure of the Quality Assurance Unit of the Faculty of Law

Lidia Febrianti SH. MH

Umi Muslikhah SH. MH

A. Main Duties and Functions of UPM

  1. UPM Task
    As a mobilizer, controller, guarantor of the implementation of quality assurance system activities at the faculty / postgraduate level and study programs.
  2. UPM Function
    • Organizing a faculty quality assurance system in accordance with SN Dikti, and gradually exceeding it so that there is a continuous quality improvement.
    • Compile the necessary tools/documents in the context of implementing academic and non-academic quality assurance systems at the Faculty/Postgraduate/Study Program levels.
    • Implementation of quality control design at the faculty level relevant to LPM
    • Monitoring and evaluating (monev) the implementation of academic and non-academic quality assurance systems in study programs in coordination with the Quality Control Group (GKM)
    • Controlling/improving and improving academic and non-academic quality at the faculty.
    • Periodically report the results of monitoring and evaluation (monev) to the leaders of the Faculty / Postgraduate and LPM.
    • Coordination with Faculty/Postgraduate/Study Program leaders regarding follow-up monitoring and evaluation results
    • Implementation of monitoring and evaluation of the results of follow-up carried out by the leaders of the Faculty / Postgraduate / Study Program
    • Regulation and management of documentation of the results of the implementation of monev systematically
    • Facilitator with internal auditors in the implementation of AMI within the scope of the Faculty / Graduate / Study Program
    • Reporting various findings and discrepancies in audit results to the Faculty/Postgraduate/Study Program Leaders for improvement efforts
    • Attend Management Review Meetings (RTM) at the faculty level.
    • Coordinate with LPM in conducting training to improve the quality of human resources.
    • Facilitating study programs that will be accredited at national and international levels.
    • Encourage the growth of a culture of quality in every unit within the faculty.

B. Main Duties and Functions of the Chairman of UPM

  1. UPM Tasks

    Has duties in coordinating and implementing the quality assurance system at the faculty / postgraduate level

  2. UPM Function
    In carrying out its main duties, the Chairman of UPM has the following functions:
    • Preparation and submission of the UPM/GKM Keija Plan and Annual Budget (RKAT).
    • Planning and making documents in the context of implementing the Faculties/Post-Saijana quality assurance system.
    • Implementation of the quality assurance system at the Faculty / Postgraduate and monitoring of the implementation (monitoring and evaluation).
    • Regular reporting to Faculty/Postgraduate and LPM leaders on the implementation of the Faculty/Postgraduate quality assurance system, including the results of monitoring and evaluation, so that follow-up efforts can be determined for improvement and improvement of Faculty/Postgraduate quality standards.

C. Main Duties and Functions of UPM Secretary

  1. UPM Tasks

    Has the task of assisting the head of UPM in implementing the quality assurance system at the faculty/postgraduate level

  2. UPM Function
    Has the task of assisting the head of UPM in implementing the quality assurance system at the faculty / postgraduate level :
    • Represent the chairman when he is unable to carry out his duties.
    • Prepare a draft of the UPM CTR by accepting proposals from each GKM.
    • Coordinate internal administration activities and manage UPM web.
    • Coordinate the preparation of reports on all UPM activities.

Satisfaction Survey

A. Satisfaction Survey Odd Semester T.A. 2022/2023

B. Satisfaction Survey Odd Semester T.A. 2022/2023

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