Student Status

Faculty of Law

Universitas Islam Riau

Student status is categorized into 3 (three), namely :
1. Active student
2. Academic Leave student; and
3. Inactive student.

Active students are those who are enrolled or registered and possess a student ID card for a particular semester. Therefore, active students have rights and responsibilities as students of the University of Islam Riau. Typically, active students can come from various circumstances

a. They originate from participants accepted during the new student admissions process.
The requirements are:

  1. Possessing a General High School Diploma (General High School Diploma) or a Non-Vocational High School Diploma (Non-Vocational High School Diploma).
  2. Submitting 8 passport-sized photos (3×4) and 3 photos (2.5×2.5).
  3. Being officially accepted as a new student.
  4. Submit three copies of the authenticated photocopy of the mentioned diploma, legalized by an authorized official. Provide evidence of mental and physical health, especially for infectious diseases considered dangerous, with a doctor’s certificate, and submit three photocopies of it.
  5. Fill out all provided forms and fulfill all administrative and financial obligations within the specified timeframe

b. Transfer Students
Transfer students may come from :

  1. Internal transfer, which involves the movement of a student between departments and/or departments and/or faculties within a university, namely the University of Islam Riau.
  2. External transfer, which refers to the movement of the student from a different faculty and university, but it must meet the requirement that the accreditation between the original university and the university to be transferred to must have at least the same minimum value.

Requirements Include : 

  1. Having a diploma (STTB) in accordance with the field of law as per the applicable regulations.
  2. Obtaining permission to transfer from the respective university.
  3. Submitting a written request with reasons for the transfer.
  4. The transfer is not due to avoiding responsibilities at the concerned faculty and/or university or any specific reason that violates the law.
  5. Having a transcript issued by the original university and/or faculty. The recognition of these grades will be adjusted according to the conversion method applied by the university and faculty. This means that the grades for each course listed in the student’s transcript will only be recognized as long as the course and its weight are equal to or greater than those set by the Faculty of Law at the University of Islam Riau.
  6. Regarding various obligations, it will be adjusted according to the regulations in force at the university and/or faculty to be entered.

Academic Leave student is a student who has obtained permission from the faculty and/or university regarding their student status due to being unable to actively participate as a student for specific reasons and within a certain period. This means that students in academic leave status will postpone all academic and student activities for a specified period.

Requirements to obtain academic leave permission

a. According to academic regulations number 210/UIR/KPTS/1999, the request for academic leave is submitted to the faculty leadership with the following conditions:

  1. No later than 2 (two) months after the lectures are conducted in the respective semester. This means it must already be registered for the academic year in question.
  2. Photocopy of the latest student ID card [00.31, 23/1/2022] My Brother: 3) Photocopy of the university-designated proof of payment, such as academic leave fees.

b. Based on the application, the faculty leadership will follow up with the university’s Rector.

c. Based on the application, the Rector will issue permission regarding the student status with “Academic Leave.”

Student Status with Academic Leave

  1. Academic leave for a student lasts for a maximum of 2 semesters, after which they are required to register. This cannot be consecutive.
  2. During the academic leave period, the student is exempt from all academic obligations, and they are not allowed to participate in academic activities.
  3. Their status is considered as an active student.

Requirements for Re-Activation

Students returning from academic leave must submit an application as per the process followed during the initial academic leave request, accompanied by:

  1. Academic leave letter issued by the Rector.
  2. Completion of financial administration as specified by the faculty and university.

A student with an unexcused absence is a student who does not undergo re-registration and is not on academic leave. According to academic regulation number 210/UIR/KPTS/1999, a student who is absent for more than 3 (three) years is considered to have discontinued their studies, automatically leaving the University of Islam Riau. Such students cannot be reaccepted into the respective program of study unless they participate in the new student testing. The grades previously obtained are not recognized.

As mentioned above, a student who has discontinued their studies is a student status no longer recognized due to not re-registering for three years or more, not being in an unexcused absence status, and not being on academic leave.

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